Auch Argentinien plädiert für preiswerte Buchmesse

Stoisches Festhalten am Buchmessestandort Frankfurt um jeden Preis kommt international immer mehr aus der Mode: Jetzt erhält Messedirektor Volker Neumann auch Unterstützung aus Agentinien. Hier der Brief im Wortlaut:

Volker Neumann
Frankfurt Book Fair

Dear Mr. Neumann,

We are very pleased to show our support of your countless efforts to achieve better conditions for exhibitors at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

Editorial Medica Panamericana is the largest Spanish-speaking medical publisher in the area and is turning fifty years of age next October. We started to attend the Fair 30 years ago and have ever since witnessed and suffered overpriced booking and
costly fares in Frankfurt in the time of the annual exhibition. For that, all the attempts you can conduct to keep improving the conditions of all those of us who attend year after year will be most valuable.

Wishing you success for 2003.

Editorial Medica Panamericana

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