Wie schon im vergangenen Jahr kann die Internationale Kinderbuchmesse in Bologna auch 2021 nur digital stattfinden. Was wohl von den meisten erwartet worden war, teilt die Messe heute offiziell mit. Messe-Chefin Elena Pasoli erklärt: „It is with a very heavy heart that we cancel the physical edition of BCBF, and its connected licensing trade show BLTF, for the second year. Despite our earlier optimism for an improved global pandemic picture, in order to allow our exhibitors and visitors to plan, we know that the responsible course of action is to share our decision at this point. As last year, we can reassure all our exhibiting partners that where refunds are necessary, they will be made. We are putting all our energies into the digital programme and look forward to welcoming everyone in person in 2022 for the 59th edition of BCBF with BLTF and the 2nd edition of BBPlus.“
Informationen über die digitale Ausgabe vom 14. bis 17. Juni sind hier zu finden.